Headway Black Country

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Headway Black Country provides specialist services to adults with an Acquired Brain Injury or Stroke and to their families and carers.

Since 1997 we have been raising awareness about brain injury and helping people to live as independently as possible and to achieve their potential.

Brain injury can affect anyone, at any time and Headway Black Country, an independent charity affiliated to Headway – the brain injury association, offers a range of services to support people through these life-changing events.

Wherever you live in the Black Country ( Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall or Wolverhampton) we are a source of practical help, support, expertise and information in the community, at home or at our Centres.

As far as we are able we offer a comprehensive range of services to support those affected by acquired brain injury including;

  • Advice and information – including on the effects and possible consequences of acquired brain injury, on sources of support from Headway and other organisations and, through our Citizens Advice partner, on benefits, debt employment etc. issues.
  • Life Skills – our Specialist Life Skills Service works with survivors of acquired brain injury to enable them to manage cognitive, behavioural, emotional or physical effects of a brain injury.
  • Outreach – through our Community Outreach Workers providing one to one support for survivors and families in hospitals, at home or in other community locations.
  • Carer Support – regular Carer and Social Group events and activities offering informal opportunities to meet share experiences, support each other and socialise.
  • Emotional Support – through our Counselling Service or informally in conversation with our staff team

We are always looking for opportunities to address unmet needs through the development of new services and activities that can be self-sustaining once established. We welcome opportunities to work in partnership with other organisations in meeting the needs of those affected by acquired brain injury and stroke.


Contact details

Contact details: admin@headwayblackcountry.co.uk and website is: headwayblackcountry.co.uk

Martin Hill Street,

Tel: 01384 869961

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