Age UK Sandwell

Age UK Sandwell is as an independent and sister charity with Age UK Birmingham working with people over the age of 50. We have been undertaking a range of services to support and enable older people across local Sandwell communities for over thirty years.

We provide a vital Information and Advice Service for people over the age of 50 across the borough. This service is provided via one to one holistic telephone and/or drop in sessions by trained specialist support officers who provide advice and support across a broad range of services including:

  • Welfare benefits (to improve financial resilience)
  • Housing options
  • Later life planning (Wills/LPAs)
  • Bereavement support (including reviewing welfare benefit entitlements, practical support around finances and referring to bereavement counselling)

We provide a Telephone Befriending Service and a Hot Meals Service for isolated and vulnerable older people, and a social programme for vulnerable veterans. We also deliver a wide range of community, health and wellbeing programmes from social lunch clubs to digital inclusion courses, physical and mental health and wellbeing programmes, information sessions and talks, and provide dementia day care places at our Seymour Centre in Birmingham.

Age UK Sandwell Logo Square

Contact details

General Enquiries: 0121 437 0033
Information & Advice: 0121 437 0479

Our partners

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