Volunteering as a Digital Champion

“Being a Digital Champion has been a great opportunity for me to share my I.T. skills not just with friends and family but with others and equally learn from other people too”

When I joined the project, I was unemployed, with an I.T. background with outdated qualifications. At the time I was feeling fine, but occasionally would feel lonely as well. I wanted to get involved in this project to increase my chances of getting back into full-time work. This volunteer role as a Digital Champion allowed me to help people to become digitally literate. Help others get online and help them understand the complexities of the internet and how to see it as just another tool. I needed some confidence-building and the sessions allowed me to do that by helping others and being able to contribute my solutions and questions during the sessions. The addition of online learning also gave me a clearer understanding of what barriers and solutions are when delivering this type of support, especially the issue of data protection.

Joining the project has enabled me to gain recognised awards for Health and safety, safeguarding vulnerable adults and Data Protection guidelines, which will help me to get back into work. My confidence has got a lot better. Whilst supporting the group I have made new friends. Having a role to play in supporting others with my skill set has been rewarding and having the volunteer coordinator calling me to get my feedback on the sessions has allowed the program to be continually shaped for the better.

I and other Digital Champions are looking to continue digitally supporting the community and having conversations with the local Tenants & Residents Association in the area to utilise their community room to be available offering some sought-after digital support either as an internet café style, peer 1-2-1 or group session support. Having had this support I feel more useful in the community to give help, and it has provided me with a platform to start from. I would say to others that volunteering gives people the chance to do new things and experiences whether or not they are seeking to improve their employability or are not able to work but want to contribute to their local community. “

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Volunteering Plus supports people who want to volunteer, by providing them with the resources and tools they need to find and complete meaningful volunteer opportunities, as well as extra support to overcome barriers to getting involved. We know that volunteering can be a rewarding experience, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get involved. With Volunteering Plus, you can find the perfect volunteer opportunity for you and start making a difference today!

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